

Nutrition Coaching to help you build a system of nutrition for your lifestyle/goals:

➡️ Navigate hormones – from balancing your menstrual cycle to dealing with the unique challenges of peri-menopause/menopause

➡️ Coaching on how to fuel your body for training and recovery

➡️ Guidance on what you need to eat to get stronger, lean out, and make permanent changes to your body composition

➡️ Support in developing sustainable and permanent habits of solid nutrition – including learning what you need to prioritize each day to feel good in your body but also being okay with occasional indulgences!

➡️ Accountability to help you stay on track


1️⃣ Sign Up (HERE) – it’s $119 a month, month to month

2️⃣ Receive a Client Intake Form to help your coach develop your initial plan (height, weight, age, goals, how much you exercise, etc)

3️⃣ Get your plan (macros, what to focus on initially, etc)

4️⃣ Work with your coach 1:1 to implement the plan, using the nutrition program we’ve created in the Fitr App to track fitness, the macros/hand portions you’ve been hitting, steps, sleep, etc

5️⃣ Check in at the end of every week via our check in form, giving your coach an overview of how your week went. Your coach will then give you video feedback as follow up.

6️⃣ Crush your goals – lean out, build muscle, fuel your training sessions, improve your relationship with food

$119 Per Month – sign up for a month at a time!



Is this personalized to me: Yes! Once you fill out the questions we send you, your coach creates a personalized plan based on YOUR answers created ONLY for you 💜

Can I sign up just for a month: Yup. There is no commitment here – we have athletes do a month just to get their macros and get things dialed in then they’re off to the races!

Can you help me lose weight: Yes! We will help you develop the habits and routines you need to make the permanent changes you want with your body- all that we ask is you stay consistent with communication and check in each week so your coach can make adjustments as you go!

$119 a month, cancel anytime

Other questions? Shoot us an email – info@competitivefemaletraining.com 💜