
Strict Pull-Ups

Are you ready to master the strict pull-up and unlock your full upper body potential?

Our Strict Pull-Up Program is designed to help you achieve your pull-up goals, whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your technique and strength.

It’s a journey you will never regret 💜

  • Unlock a skill that only a small population of women can do
  • See the power of having a stronger grip, lats, and core in your day to day training
  • If you’re a CrossFitter, watch the strength you gain from this program transfer to other things like toes to bar and barbell work


  • $64.99 one time charge (with lifetime access)
  • 4 Days a week
  • 30 minutes a day
  • For ALL levels of athlete
  • Additional weeks of programming FREE if needed!
  • Private messaging/coaching in the app (movement feedback, help with scaling and modifications)

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Pull-up bar, dumbbells, exercise bands

*Sign up today, pick the date when you want to start the program!

See for yourself the success our athletes are having ⬇️

Want to check out a FREE week- no credit card required -GET IT HERE

➡️ Build grip strength, core strength, and confidence with your pulling – and watch it transfer over to ALL the things you do – in and out of the gym!

➡️ Movement demos are provided in the program in a VERY user friendly app called Fitr- you will never be lost or confused as to what to do!

Not sure if you’re ready for the program? Get our FREE Strict Pull Up Guide

Are you feeling that this program is for you, and you’re ready to full send? We promise you will NOT regret it!

💜 It’s time to say YOLO and get all the pull-ups 💜

Questions? Email us info@competitivefemaletraining.com