
Kipping Handstand Push Up Program

Designed to help you get your first handstand push-ups or develop the strength to rep them out!


  • $59 – one time charge
  • 8 Week Duration
  • 3 Days a Week
  • Takes 30 minutes each session
  • Repeat as many times as you need to (lifetime access!)
  • You will need access to dumbbells, exercise bands, and a place to kick up on the wall
  • Modifiable if you’re not kicking up yet!

Movement demos are provided in the program in a VERY user friendly app called Fitr- you will never be lost or confused as to what to do!

Want to check out a week for FREE? No Credit Card Required -GET IT HERE

You will receive coaching feedback and support in our private Facebook group as well as interact with other women on the same journey!