Coach Shawna Norton– Nutrition Coach/ CF Coach
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
Precision Nutrition L-1
B.S. Kinesiology
Coach Shawna started her CrossFitting journey in October of 2012. She joined for some “cross training” to compliment her running- at the time she was an ultra-marathoner. She tried to share her energies between the two sports, but eventually, her love for CrossFit won out. She gave up the trails and the extreme long distances and plunged headfirst into becoming the best lifter and crossfitter she could be.
CrossFit introduced her to a love of coaching, mobility, functional movement, clean eating, and a passion for helping others achieve health and movement in their own lives. CrossFit has given her more than she could ever imagine- it has shown her who she is, who she wants to be, and has made her part of an amazing community that is beyond explanation.

Coach Katrina Rasmussen – Crossfit/Weightlifting Coach, Nutrition Coach
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
Precision Nutrition L1
Pregnancy/Postpartum Weightlifting
My fitness journey started in March 2015, 5 months after having my second son. I was struggling with postpartum depression and didn’t really understand how to prioritize myself and my own health while taking care of a newborn and toddler. I found CrossFit and it became this amazing outlet that helped me prioritize myself and my own health so I could show up as a better mom to my kids. I grew up competing in gymnastics and crossfit filled this competitive void I didn’t even know I had.
I competed at Crossfit Regionals (back when that was a thing), Wodapalooza, The Fittest Experience, and Iron Gomes. In 2022 I switched my focus to Olympic Weightlifting, and have competed and American Open Finals, Nationals, Masters Pan Ams, and Masters Worlds, and hold multiple state and national records.
The personal growth and confidence I have found has fueled my passion for fitness and my desire to help others achieve their fitness goals. I became a crossfit and nutriton coach in 2018 and never looked back. There’s a special confidence you build when you realize how strong you are and what your body is capable of. I want to help as many women as possible find that confidence in themselves.