

For Women in Peri, Menopause, and Post

As this sport grows, we have more and more women over the age of 45 who want to participate in throwing around barbells, getting strong AF, and crushing metcons.

But with age comes changes in physiology, and for women one of the biggest changes is a decrease in estrogen production.

Does that mean you have to stop fitnessing? Absolutely NOT! On the contrary!

Lifting heavy four to five days a week is one of THE most effective tools to combat the effects of age. However it does mean that your programming might look a little different. 

Want to Check it Out?

With Level M you can expect:

  • Heavy lifting on a regular basis
  • Conditioning pieces that compliment your body/hormones
  • A focus on heavy (squats, deadlifts, presses, strict movements, + Olympic weight lifting)
  • 3 to 4 metcons/conditioning pieces per week (sprint/interval style)
  • Sessions that last 60-80 minutes
  • Plyometrics/balance work 2-3 days per week

Memberships are $39 a month, offered through Fitr, with a private coach monitored community.

Questions email us info@competitivefemaletraining.com