
Kipping Pull-Ups + Chest to Bars

Go from kipping pull-ups to chest to bars in 16 weeks ⬇️

With our kipping package you’ll build the strength and work on the positions to get your first kipping pull-ups and build to get chest to bar pull-ups or build the strength to perform big sets (including learning how to butterfly)


  • $89 (lifetime access) *with full refund if it’s not the right fit for you!
  • 16 Weeks Long
  • 3 Days a Week
  • Takes 30-40 minutes each session
  • Repeat as many times as you need to (lifetime access!)
  • You need access to a pull-up bar, dumbbells, and exercise bands
  • You don’t need strict pull-ups but you DO need to be able to actively hang from a bar for :30

You’ll receive coaching feedback and support in our private Facebook Community as well as interact with other women on the same journey!

And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for all things fitness and nutrition 💜