

CrossFitprogramming designed specifically for women

⭐️ Training for every level of athlete

⭐️ An AMAZING women’s only community (with all female coaches)

⭐️ Nutrition guidance

⭐️ Daily notes on how to navigate your hormones around your training.

3 Options to choose from, whether you have 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or you’re training to get to the next level!


For all Level of Athlete

  • 30 minutes
  • Scaling options are provided
  • Designed to be done in a home gym with minimal equipment
  • $18 per month


For all Level of Athlete

  • 60 minutes
  • Scaling options are provided
  • Equipment needed – barbell, pull-up bar, dumbbells, at least once piece of cardio equipment (rower, assault/echo bike, ski erg)
  • $39 per month


For Athletes wanting to become competitive in the sport of CrossFit. Advanced skills such as muscle ups as well as heavier barbells programmed. Learn more HERE.

  • 2-3 Hours Per Day, 5-6 Days Per Week
  • Equipment needed – barbell, pull-up bar, rings, kettlebell, dumbbells, and access to all 3 pieces of cardio equipment (rower, fan bike, ski erg) … you should have access to all pieces of equipment you would see in a competition
  • Focused only on what female athletes need – including an emphasis on gymanstics/upper body
  • Prior to starting this programming- athletes should have wall walks, chest to bar pull-ups, toes to bar, handstand pushups, and be practicing kicking up for handstand walks prior (scales are available for the advanced gymnastics like muscle ups)
  • $59 per month

Ready to Join a Tribe of Badass Women and Take Your Training to the Next Level?

Try us FREE for 14 days and see what you think

Questions? Shoot us an email – info@competitivefemaletraining.com