
Chest to Bars + Bar Muscle Ups

Build the Strength for Chest to Bars Straight into Strong Bar Muscle Ups

Spend 8 Weeks getting strong and confident with your chest to bar pull-ups (including learning how to butterfly!) and go right into taking that strength and learning how to do bar muscle ups!


  • $94 *with full refund if it’s not the right fit for you!
  • 4 days a week for 16 weeks
  • 30-40 minutes per session
  • Kipping Pull-ups are prerequisite strength
  • Need access to a pull-up bar, rings, bands, and dumbbells

You will receive coaching feedback and support in our private Facebook Community as well as interact with other women on the same journey!

Not ready for the whole thing? Check out our Chest to Bar Guide!

And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for all things fitness and nutrition 💜