
Lats, Grip, and Core

If you’ve been frustrated with not having a strong grip, or know you need to add in additional core and upper body work –

this program is for YOU!

Designed specifically for women:

➡️ We work on building strong wrists and fingers (a key part of grip strength)

➡️ Give you core work that also strengthens your pelvic floor (no more peeing your pants in double unders!)

➡️ And lat building strength (so you can finally “use your lats” when Coach tells you to!)


  • $48.99 *with full refund if it’s not the right fit for you!
  • 3 Days a week
  • Add on to regular training
  • 20-30 minutes a session
  • For EVERY level of athlete
  • Repeat the program as many times as you want (lifetime access)
  • Movement demos provided
  • An incredible all women’s community

➡️ EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Barbell, Dumbbells, Pull-Up Bar (to hang from)

Questions? Feel free to email us info@competitivefemaletraining.com

And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for all things fitness and nutrition 💜