
Pull-Up Package

Go from Strict ➡️ Kipping ➡️ Chest to Bars in 22 Weeks…

This program is for ALL level of athlete – if you need to take longer on the strict portion THAT’S OKAY – we have extra weeks of programming that come FREE with being one of our Pull-Up Athletes!

💜 About the Program:

  • 3-4 Days a Week (strict program and chest to bars are 4 days per week)
  • 30-40 Minutes per session
  • Need access to a pull-up bar, rings (for the kipping pull-up program), bands, and dumbbells
  • $139 for all 3 programs (you would pay $177 if you bought them individually) *with full refund if it’s not the right fit for you!

If you WANT a chest to bar (and beyond)…

Commit to this program, save some $$ by bundling and get ready to be blown away by how strong you can become!

Questions? Hit us up – info@competitivefemaletraining.com

And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for all things fitness and nutrition 💜