How much CrossFit experience do I have to have before starting this programming?
We generally suggest you have at least 6 months to a year of CrossFit prior to starting this program (depending on previous athletic experience). We would like you to have a solid grasp of the terminology, an understanding of the Olympic lifts, as well as the capacity to train by yourself.
Do I already have to have muscle ups and advanced gymnastics?
Absolutely NOT! This program is designed to help you GET these things while also helping the more advanced athletes IMPROVE on these things. We offer scales and modifications for every level.
How do I access this program?
Once you sign up you will be given a link to create a Sugarwod account. This is where all of the programming will be posted each week as well as where you will enter your scores so you can compete with your fellow athletes!
What if I already have a Sugarwod account?
You can have multiple gym accounts under Sugarwod.
Do I have to have access to a gym to follow this program?
You will need access to rings, a rig (pull ups, bar muscle ups), and a place to do barbell work.