
3 Day Gymnastics Program

Try it free for 7 days ⬇️

This add-on style program is ideal for the athlete who wants to continue to follow their gym or communities current program while having intentional accessory work to help make improvements in gymnastics technique and capacity.


  • $24.99 a Month
  • 3 Sessions Per Week
  • 20-30 Minutes a Session
  • Add on to your regular training
  • Follows 6-8 Week Training Cycles
  • Scaling options for beginners to advanced athletes
  • Message your coaches in the app!

Each session will include 2 options: One if you’re trying to get the movement for the first time, and one if you have the movement but want to increase the capacity.

Example: if we’re focusing on strict pull-ups there will be an option for those looking to get their first strict pull up, and for those who are looking to go from 1 strict pull up to many.

Ready to give it a whirl?

Questions? Reach out info@competitivefemaletraining.com