
Advanced Gymnastics Program

Check out a week for FREE- no Credit Card Required -GET IT HERE

This program is an INTENSIVE 8 Week Program helping you to build ALL the pieces of your gymnastics under one program.

You will work on:

  • Handstand Push Ups
  • Bar Muscle Ups
  • Ring Muscle Ups
  • Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • Handstand Walking
  • Rope Climbs

You do NOT need to have ANY of these skills prior to starting, however to get the most from this program you will want to be able to perform at least 5 kipping pull-ups. Not there yet? Check out our pull-up programs.


  • $79 (one time charge) *with full refund if it’s not the right fit for you!
  • 8 Weeks Long
  • 4 Days a Week
  • Takes 45-60 minutes each session
  • Equipment needed: Place to perform jumping muscle ups (ring and bar), box, bands, dumbbells, place to perform wallwalks and handstand push-ups

Receive coaching feedback and support in our private Facebook Community as well as interact with other women on the same journey!

Is it time to commit to your gymnastics??!


And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for all things fitness and nutrition 💜