
Bench Press

“Since starting this program, I’ve not only increased my bench press weight but also gained confidence in my overall strength. The support from the coaches and the community is amazing!”

– Emily R.

Because for us as women, bench pressing isn’t just about one thing…

It’s about developing a strong upper body that translates to strong push-ups and overhead pressing as well as loving how our arms and back look and feel!


  • $54.99 (lifetime access- repeatable) *with full refund if it’s not the right fit for you!
  • 3 Days a Week
  • 30-45 minutes each session
  • Shoulder, bicep,and tricep accessory work included
  • Need access to a barbell, somewhere to bench from, and dumbbells

Questions? Shoot us an email – info@competitivefemaletraining.com

And don’t forget to follow us on instagram for all things fitness and nutrition 💜